Friday, April 27, 2007

Once Again...My Husband Almost Flushed His Cell Phone

Have you ever dropped your cell phone in the toilet? My husband does it almost weekly. I have no clue what he does with his phone while he is...well, doing business, but it seems like once a month I hear him yell.....ARGHHHHH followed by the disgusting splashing sounds of him fishing it out.

So, we are in the market for yet another cell phone to replace the one he almost flushed. The last time we bought our cell phones, we got those old-fashioned, extremely uncool ones that look like you are carrying a full-sized rotary phone around.

While I stopped worrying about being "cool" two babies ago, it was a bit embarrassing to fish a three-pound phone out of my purse during play dates. You can almost hear the other mothers “tee-heeing” in the background as I unfold my ancient rotary phone.

Thanks to my husband's cell-phone fishing expeditions, we are both in the market for new ones. I want a Blackberry. I am not sure why. I am an artist and blogger. I rarely talk with people on the phone, but Paris has one...Nicole has one...Britney has one. I am in the midst of a pre-mid life crisis, so suddenly I want one too.

As a starving blogger...artist type - I am also broke. Thankfully, with, I can get my Blackberry for free. Woo hoo. At least I'll look important to the other moms at the playdates, right? Someone might actually mistake me for a career woman!

Check out the site when you have the chance and let me know what you think of the deals in the comments section. Oh...and check out the pink Razr too when you have the chance. It is De-LISH!

I am hoping my darling husband will have another "bathroom incident" so I can try that one out too! =)

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